Tuesday, September 1, 2015

American Studies 3: Unit 1: Foundations of our Government: U.S. Constitution, & Federalism Projected Schedule (Chapters 1-4) FALL 2015-2016

9/1/2015 (Day 1)
1. Introduction to class, class rules, where to find everything online, Study guides, Defense of layered curriculum/assignment choices, and foldables, group work, and password info sheet.  Discuss Unit study guide (required for 20 points).
2. Create list with partner on daily impact of government on citizen.

9/2/2015 (Day 2)
1.Learning Style and Intelligence Inventory (Computer Lab) and Understand how to use important internet resources such as teacher website and My Big Campus.
2. Assigned Reading: Ch1. sec. 1 and 2. Complete Guided reading wkst 1.1 and 1.2 for tomorrow.

9/3/2015 (Day 3)
1. Whole Class Instruction (WCI): Origin of State and Government system, types of government PPP.
2. Assignment options: Flashcards or foldable based on today’s notes. Defense on 9/4/2015.

9/4/2015 (Day 4)
1. Defense from 9/2/15 and 9/3/15 notes and reading worksheets.
2. WCI: Types of Government and Economic systems PPP
4. Homework:  Read assigned historical document for Monday. Answer questions.

9/7/2015 - Labor Day - No School

9/8/2015 (Day 5)
1. Jigsaw activity: Meet with partner and then group of 4 to analyze historical document. Create visual on a Google presentation and share with teacher.

9/9/2015  (Day 6)
1. Jigsaw activity: Historical documents leading up to the U.S. Constitution (sharing information day)
2. Defense on 9/10/15 based on documents leading up to Constitution.

9/10/2015 (Day 7)
1. Defense from 9/9/15 material (Documents leading up to the U.S. Constitution)
2. WCI: PPP presentation: Constitution Convention, Vir. Nj. Plans, Conn. Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, and Federalist/Anti-Federalist.
3. Homework: Amending the Constitution wkst (Guided Reading Activity 3.1 – Due for defense).

9/11/2015 (Day 8)
1.Computer Lab:  Six principles of Constitution PowerPoint activity. Article and summary due 9/17/15. Defense based on six principles also on 9/17/15.

9/14/2015  (Day 9)
1. Intro to Active Citizen Project.
2. Computer lab to review resources and select active citizen project options. Select your option on

9/15/2015 (Day 10)
3. Reading assignment: Jigsaw reading on the articles of the constitution starting on from pocket Constitution.

9/16/2015  (Day 11)
1. Select Active Citizen Project.
2. Computer lab: I Civics (preview of federalism). Workday for Six Principles Article and Summary.

9/17/2015  (Day 12)
1. Defense of the six principles of the US Constitution.
2. Six Principles Article and Summary due Today by 11:59pm.
3. Discussion of articles of the constitution.

9/18/2015 (Day 13)
1. WCI: Federalism PPP
2 WCI: Full Faith, Commerce Power

9/21/2015  (Day 14)
1. Review for test.

9/22/2015 (Day 15)
1. Submit Unit Study Guide to turnitin.com BEFORE your testing hour.
2. Unit 1 Test
3. Final Day for re-defense of Unit 1 material by 3pm.