American Studies 3: Unit 4: Legislative Branch (Congress) Projected Schedule FALL 2015 (Ch. 5, 6, and 7)
10/29/15 (Day 1)
1. Handout Unit 4 Schedule. Begin gaining info for Unit 4 test from reading chapters 5, 6, and 7.
2. Receive guided reading worksheets for ch. 5, 6, and 7
3. Receive Current Event assignment due: 11/11/15
4. Homework: Article One wkst. Due 10/30/15 Use Google Form
- Last day to hand in first quarter late work is Thursday, 10/29 by 3pm.
10/30/15 (Day 2)
1.PPP: Article One: Powers of Congress
2. PPP: Simple Differences between the House & Senate.
3. PPP: The Impact of the US Census on House of Representative Districts
11/2/15 (Day 3)
1.Computer lab: Gerrymandering.
11/3/15 (Day 4)
1. WCI: Discussion on the impact of Gerrymandering.
1. PPP: Congressional committees and agencies.
11/4/15 (Day 5)
1. Explain Fantasy Congress. Each person drafts one Senator and one member of the House.
2. Collaborate and discover the similarities and differences in other members of the House and Senate.
11/5/15 (Day 6)
1. Fantasy Congress competition begins and ends today. Submit Fantasy Congress packet by day 7.
11/6/15 (Day 7)
1. Progress and Ch. 5 Defense.
2. Hand in Fantasy Congress packet after discussion.
11/9/15 (Day 8)
1. Bill to a Law simulation. – Key players in the Bill to a law process and introducing a bill.
11/10/15 (Day 9)
1.Bill to a Law simulation - Conference committees, Rules and scheduling, & House proceedings.
2. Progress check on Active Citizen Project
11/11/15 (Day 10)
1. Ch. 6 Defense
2. Bill to a Law simulation - Senate proceedings, the filibuster, conference committee, and Presidential proceedings. Homework: I-civics Lawcraft. Due Day 11
11/12/15 (Day 11)
1. I-civics Lawcraft due today.
2. Work on selected section of Chapter 7.
11/13/15 (Day 12)
1.Chapter 7 Defense
2. Review for Test.
11/16/15 (Day 13)
1. Unit 4 Study Guide due.
2. Unit 4 test.
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