World Studies: Unit 5: Absolutism, Enlightenment, & The French Revolution Mr. Wolf’s Projected Schedule 2015-2016 (World History By: Spielvogel textbook Chapters 14.3, 17.2-17.3, Chapter 18 [all sections] & other resources)
11/12/15 (day 1)
1.Preview Unit 5 schedule.
2. Homework: Read Chapter 14.3 and complete Guided Reading worksheet 14.3 for 11/13/15
11/13/15 (day 2)
1.PPP and Discussion of Absolutism and Enlightenment.
2. Students prepare for defense based on 14.3 and notes taken in class. Defense is on 11/16/15
3. Homework: Read Chapter 17.2 and complete Guided REading worksheet 17.2 for 11/16/15.
11/16/15 (day 3)
1. Defense of 14.3 and notes taken in class for this unit.
2.PPP - More Philosophers of the Enlightenment era.
3.Homework: Read Chapter 17.3 and complete Guided reading worksheet 17.3 for class.
11/17/15 (day 4)
1.Discussion of 17.3
2.Homework: Read Chapter 18.1 and complete Guided Reading worksheet. 18.1 for 11/18/15.
11/18/15 (day 5)
1. Discuss 18.1
2. PPP - French Revolution
3. Homework: Read Chapter 18.2 & 18.3 and complete Guided Reading worksheet 18.2 & 18.3 for 11/20/15
11/19/15 (day 6)
1. Video - French Revolution
11/20/15 (day 7)
1.Discussion of 18.2 and 18.3
2.Exclusive Historical Sources: Reign of Terror: Stanford:
11/23/15 (day 8)
1.Finish discussion of reign of terror sources.
2.PPP - Napoleon.
11/24/15(day 9)
1. Flashcards due!
11/25/15- 11/27/15 - Thanksgiving Break
11/30/15 (day 10)
1. Review for test.
12/1/15 (day 11)
1. Unit 5 Study Guide; Unit 5 Test. Last day to defend/re-defend Unit 5 defenses.
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