Wednesday, December 2, 2015

World History: Wolf: Unit 6: Russia Projected Schedule (2015-2016)

12/2/15 (day 1)
  1. Finish Unit 5 essay test.
  2. Preview Unit 6
  3. Read pages 557 and Ch. 23, Section 3.  Complete Guided Reading Worksheet 23.3 for 12/3/15

12/3/15 (day 2)
  1. PPP – Early Russian History to Russian Revolution.
  2. Discuss 23.3. “What led to the fall of the czarist regime in Russia?” (Social, Political, Economic EQ).
3. Read  and take notes on pages 799-801, 880, 886-887.  For 12/4/15

12/4/15 (day 3)
  1. Finish PPP on Early Russian History to Russian Revolution.
  2. Discuss notes taken on pages 799-801, 880, 886-887.  
  3. Prepare for Defense based on Ch 23.3 and notes taken so far in class and during extra readings. Defense on 12/7/15

12/7/15 (day 4)
  1. Chapter 23.3 et. al.  defense.  
  2. Begin Russian Revolution Video

12/8/15 (day 5)
  1. In class reading time: Read Chapter 24.2 and complete Guided Reading worksheet 24.2 for 12/9/15

12/9/15 (day 6)
  1. Discuss 24.2.(Social, Political, Economic, Cultural EQ).
  2. Begin to analyze Soviet Union primary and secondary sources.
  3. Homework: Read Chapter 27.1 and complete Guided Reading activity 27.1 for 12/10/15.

12/10/15 (day 7)
  1. Continue and finish analysis of Soviet Union primary and secondary sources.
  2. PPP – Cold War.
  3. Homework: Read Chapter 27.2 and complete Guided Reading activity 27.2 for 12/11/15.   “How does a totalitarian government differ from a democratic system?” (Political, Economic EQ)

12/11/15 (day 8)
  1. Finish Cold War PPP
  2. Homework: Read Chapter 28.1 and complete Guided Reading activity 28.1 for 12/14/15.  “How strong was the Soviet Union after World War 2?”

12/14/15(day 9)
  1. Begin Cold War Hot/Cold Activity
  2. Homework: Read Chapter28.2 and complete Guided Reading activity 22.2 for 12/12/14. “What was the connection between Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union?” (Political, Economic EQ).

12/15/15 (day 10)
  1. Finish Cold War Hot/Cold Activity. Prepare for defense based on Cold War reading and notes taken so far.  
  2. Prepare for a Defense based on all chapters and notes dealing with the Cold War.

12/16/15 (day 11)
  1. Flashcards due!
  2. Cold War Defense.
  3. PPP – The Fall of the Soviet Union.

12/17/15 (day 12)
  1. Review for test.

12/18/15 (day 13)
  1. Unit 6 study guide due.
  2. Unit 6 test.
  3. Final day to defend or re-defend Unit 6 defenses (by 3pm).
  4. Unit 7 schedule handout.  Begin reading Animal Farm novel.
  5. Assignment: Define Pre-Chapter 1 Literary Terms (Due: 12/19/14). Prepare for a Defense on 12/19/14.
  6. Assignment: Read Preface and Introduction of Animal Farm for 12/19/14.