Monday, January 25, 2016

World Studies 2: Unit 1: Africa: Wolf, 2016 Projected Unit Schedule

1/25/16 (day 1)
1. Intro to course, registration of online websites, and survey completed.
2. Receive Unit 1 schedule. Begin Unit 1. Study guide of ORIGINAL WORK is to be done online and submitted to before the Unit test.
1/26/16 (day 2)
1. PPP – Geography of Africa
2. Homework: Complete Reading and wkst for Chapter 2.2 for 1/27/16.

1/27/16 (day 3)
1. Discuss Chapter 2.2 reading and worksheet.
2.WCI: Ancient Egyptian PPP
3. Video: Engineering an Empire: Egypt

1/28/16 (day 4)
1. Video: Engineering an Empire: Egypt
2. Homework:  Read Historical Sources: Egyptian Pyramids: Did slaves build the Great Pyramid at Giza? Stanford Read Like a Historian:

1/29/16(day 5)
1. Discuss historical sources
2.Group work: Write song for Deep in the Tomb of Egypt

2/1/16 (day 6)
1.Sing Deep in the Tomb of Egypt.
2. Prepare for a defense on all things Ancient Egypt. Defense on 2/3/15.

2/2/16 (day 7)
1.Ancient Egypt defense.
2.Work time in class on Chapter 7.1 and Chapter 7.2. Homework:  Worksheets 7.1 and 7.2 due 2/3/16.

2/3/16 (day 8)
1.Discuss Chapter 7.1 and 7.2.
3. Work time on Chapter 7.3 and 21.2. Homework: 7.3 and Chapter 21.2 due 2/4/16.
4. Defense based on Chapter 7 and 21.2 on 2/4/16

2/4/16 (day 9)
1. Defense of Chapter 7 and 21.2.
2. Introduction and begin working on African project. Project due at the start of class on 2/9/16.

2/5/16 (day 10)
1. Work day on African project. Project due at the start of class on 2/9/16.

2/8/16 (day 11)
1.Final in class work day on African project.
2. In class work day on Chapter 25.2 and Chapter 30.1

2/9/16 (day 12)
1. African project due at the start of class.
2. Note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/10/16 (day 13)
1. Note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/11/16 (day 14)
1.Finish note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/12/16 & 2/15/16 -  No School

1. Review for test

1. Unit 1 study guide due before class time (submit to
2. Unit 1 test.
3. Final day for defending and re-defending by 3pm.