World Studies 2: Unit 2: Middle East: Wolf 2015-2016 Projected Unit Schedule
2/18/16 (day 1)
- Preview Unit/Discuss Learning Objectives.
- Homework: Read/scan Chapter 2.1 and Chapter 2.3. Complete vocab for online study guide and complete essential questions. What influenced the rise of early civilizations such as the Sumerians and Babylonians in Mesopotamia? Be sure to discuss the role of geography (Fertile Crescent) and all of the SPEC components.
2/19/16 (day 2)
- Discuss Chapter 2.1 and 2.3
- PPP - Middle East Geography and Resources.
- Homework: Articles on Judaism and Christianity due 2/22/16
2/22/16 (day 3)
- Discuss Articles on Judaism and Christianity
- View Islam video.
- Homework: Read Chapter 6.1 and Complete Guided worksheet 6.1.
2/23/16 (day 4)
- Discuss Chapter 6.1.
- PPP - 5 Pillars of Islam.
- Homework: Read Chapter 6.2 and Complete Guided Worksheet 6.2
2/24/15 (day 5)
- Discuss Chapter 6.2.
- Homework: Read Chapter 6.3 & 6.4 and Complete Guided Worksheet 6.3 & 6.4
2/25/15 (day 6)
- Discuss Chapter 6.3 & 6.4
- Compare and contrast 3 religions.
- Prepare for a defense based on the 3 religions. Defense on 2/26/16
2/26/16(day 7)
- Defense based on the 3 religions of the Middle East.
- In class reading of Chapter 15.1.& 15.3 Learning objective: Trace the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.
2/29/16 (day 8)
- Discuss Chapter 15.1 & 15.3
- PPP - Ottoman Empire
3/1/16 (day 9) - Virtual Day (work from home) Submit by 2:31pm on March 1st.
- Exclusive Primary Source: Islamic Empire: How did the Islamic Empire expand? Stanford Read Like a Historian. This will be found on Google Classroom. Due 3/2/16 at the start of class.
3/2/16 (day 10)
- Discuss Exclusive Primary Source: Islamic Empire: How did the Islamic Empire expand? Stanford Read Like a Historian.
- Summarize the accomplishments of the various Islamic empires as well as the conflicts within Islam and between Islam and other religions.
- Prepare for a defense based on Islam and its empires. Defense on 3/3/16.
- Homework: Read Chapter 25.5 and Complete Guided Reading worksheet 25.5
3/3/16 (day 11)
- Defense based on Islam and its empires.
- Discuss Chapter 25.5.
- Read Chapter 30.1 and complete guided reading worksheet 30.2.
3/4/16 (day 12)
- Discuss Chapter 30.2
- PPP - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
3/7/16 (day 13)
- PPP - ISIS in the Middle East
- Video - Muslim Americans today.
3/8/16 (day 14)
- Review for Test.
3/9/16 (day 15)
- Unit 2 study guide due.
- Unit 2 test
- Unit 2 defenses end at 3pm today.
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