Monday, October 19, 2015


1. Defense based on Chapter 5.5 and fall of Rome worksheet/notes.
2. Final discussion of fall of  Rome reasons.
3. Review for Test.

- Unit 3 study guide due BEFORE the test. Submit to
- Unit 3 test on Tuesday, 10/20.
- Unit 3 defenses end on Tuesday, 10/20.

- Final day to hand in first quarter late assignments will be Thursday, October 29th by 3pm.

AS 3

1.Video: So Goes The Nation
2.Homework: Reading selected pages of Running for President.  Due Wednesday, 10/21

- Unit 3 current event due 10/22/15. Submit to by 11:59pm.
- Chapter 17 worksheets due for a defense on Monday, 10/26. 
- Unit 3 Test on Wednesday, 10/28. 
- Unit 3 study guide due BEFORE test on Wednesday, 10/28.
- Unit 3 Defenses end Wednesday, 10/28 at 3pm.
- Last day to hand in first quarter late work is Thursday, 10/29 by 3pm.