Monday, April 4, 2016

World Studies 2: Unit 4: China (Projected Schedule, 2015-2016)

Day 1
1.Handout schedule for Unit 3,

1. Read pages 84-93 & complete reading guide for Ch. 3, Section 3 for 4/5/16
Day 2
1. Discussion  based on Ch. 3.3
2. Engineering an Empire: China.
1. Read pages 94-99 & complete reading guide for Ch. 3, section 4 due 4/6/16
Day 3
1.Finish Engineering an Empire: China
 2.Complete Ancient China Chart (pages 1-3)
1. Project #2 -introduced.
1. Finish pages 1-3 of Ancient China Chart at home for 4/7/16
Day 4
1.Defense based on Ch. 3.3, 3.4 and China Chart.
1. Project #2 - workday.

Day 5
1. Project #2 - workday.

Day 6
1.Work day for Project #2 Project presentations begin April 13th.

Day 7
1. Read pages 270-275 and complete reading guide for Ch. 8, sec 2

Day 8
1.Project #2 presentations.
1.Read Ch. 22.1 and Ch. 22.2. Complete 22.1 and 22.2 guided reading wksts for defenses.  Defense based on 8.2, 22.1, and 22.2 4/16/15
Day 9
2.Project #2 presentations finished.

Day 10

2. PPP- Birth of Modern China

Day 11
1, Defense based on 8.2, 22.1, & 22.2
1.Video: Communist China

Day 11
1 .PPP – Communist China
2. China Chart P. 4
3.Historical Documents - Cultural Revolution
1.Finish documents for 4/19/16
Day 12
1.Discuss Historical Documents- Cultural Revolution

Day 13
1.Video China Rises

Day 14
1.Video: Finish China Rises pt 2

Day 15

1.Review for test

Day 16

Unit 4 Test

American Studies 3: Unit 4: Legislative Branch (Congress) Projected Schedule SPRING 2016 (Ch. 5, 6, and 7)

4/4/16 (Day 1)
1. Handout Unit 4 Schedule.  Begin gaining info for Unit 4 test from reading chapters 5, 6, and 7.
2. Receive guided reading worksheets for ch. 5, 6, and 7
3. Receive Current Event assignment due: 4/14/16.
4. Homework: Article One wkst. Work with partner.  Rest due for 4/5/16

4/5/16 (Day 2)
1.PPP: Article One: Powers of Congress
2. PPP: Simple Differences between the House & Senate.
3. Congressional Cartoon Analysis (due tomorrow)

4/6/16  (Day 3)
1. Political cartoon analysis due.
2.Computer lab: Gerrymandering. Due 4/7/16

4/7/16(Day 4)
1.Gerrymandering wkst due.  
2.  Members of Congress activity Due 4/11/16

4/8/16 (Day 5)
1. Members of congress activity (work day)
2. Field trip permission slip and money due at 3pm.

4/11/16 (Day 6)
1. Ch. 5 Defense
2.Members of Congress activity due. Submit to by 11:59pm.

4/12/16  (Day 7)
1. American Civics Scholarship Assessment
2. Bill to a Law simulation.  – Key players in the Bill to a law process and introducing a bill.

4/13/16- Field Trip to Washington Co. Government Campus.

4/14/16(Day 8)
1.Bill to a Law simulation -  Committees, Rules and scheduling,  & House proceedings.
2.Congressional Current Event due by 11:59pm (Submit to

4/15/16 (Day 9)
1.WCI: Committee impacts activity (cards).
2. Bill to a Law simulation -  Senate proceedings, the filibuster, conference committee, and Presidential proceedings. 3.Homework: I-civics Lawcraft. Due 4/18/16

4/18/16 (Day 10)
1. Ch. 6  and 7 Defense
2. I civics Lawcraft due at the start of class.
3. Review for Unit 4 test.

4/19/6 (Day 11)
1. Unit 4 Study Guide due.
2. Unit 4 test.

3. Last day for re-defenses of Unit 4 (by 3pm)