11/17/15 (Day 1)
Unit 5 schedule
Discuss Bureaucratic current event due 11/24/15.
Handout wksts for Ch. 8,9, and 10.
Analyze Article 2 of Constitution.
11/18/15 (Day 2)
1.PPP: Presidential Roles
2. Presidential political cartoon analysis.
11/19/15 (Day 3)
1. PPP: Perks/Terms/Vice President
11/20/15 (Day 4)
1. Ch. 8 Defense. Have respective wksts done to participate in this defense.
2. Video: Mandate
11/23/15 (Day 5)
1. PPP: Presidential Powers
11/24/15 (Day 6)
1.Bureaucratic current event due by 11:59pm . Submit to turnitin.com
2. WCI: Presidential Speeches
11/25/15 to 11/29/15 – Thanksgiving Break
11/30/15 (Day 7)
1.Complete I-civics: Executive Command. Due 12/3/15
1.Analysis of SOTU and Inaugural addresses
12/1/15 (Day 8)
1.Continue analysis of SOTU and Inaugural addresses
12/2/15 (Day 9)
1. PPP: Cabinet, Civil Service, and the Iron Triangle
12/3/15 (Day 10)
1.Hand in I-civics; Executive Command.
2. Ch. 9 & 10 Defense. Have Ch. 9 & 10 wksts done to participate in this defense.
12/4/15 (Day 11)
1.Review for Test
2. ACTIVE CITIZEN PROJECT DUE at 11:59pm. Submit to turnitin.com
12/7/15 (Day 12)
1. Unit 5 Study Guide due.
2. Unit 5 test.