World Studies: Unit 4: Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery & Scientific Revolution Mr. Wolf’s Projected Schedule 2015-2016 (World History By: Spielvogel textbook Ch.12, 13.1, and 17.1 and other resources)
10/21/2015 (day 1)
1.Finish Unit 3 Test
2.Preview Unit 4 schedule and study guide. Study guide due 11/11/15.
3.Discussion of semester project. Select Historical figure.
1. Discuss SPEC for a historical figure. See example.
2. Talk about Good vs. Bad resources.Good vs. bad thesis statements.
10/23/2015 - NO SCHOOL
1. Continue in computer lab for research.
1. In library and computer lab to look for resources
Project due 11/3/15
10/28/2015 (day 2)
1.Final in class work day on Semester project.
10/29/2015 (day 3)
1.WCI: Medieval Dark Ages and the rise of the Renaissance.
2.Homework: Read Chapter 12.1 and complete 12.1 Guided Reading wkst. Due 10/30/15.
- Final day to hand in first quarter late work (by 3pm)
10/30/2015 (day 4)
1.Discuss Chapter 12.1
2.Homework: Read Chapter 12.2 and complete 12.2 Guided Reading wkst. Attempt to answer this essential question:
11/2/2015 (day 5)
1.Discuss Chapter 12.2
2.PPP - Early Italian Renaissance
11/3/2015 (day 6)
1. Semester project due at 11:59pm today. Submit to
2. PPP - Italian Renaissance Artists.
3. Homework - Prepare for a Defense based on 12.1, 12.2 and any notes taken dealing with the Italian Renaissance. Defense on 11/3/14.
11/4/2015 (day 7)
1. Defense based on 12.1, 12.2 and Renaissance notes.
2.In class work time to Read Chapter 12.3 and complete 12.3 Guided reading wkst for 11/4/14. What is not finished in class is due for homework. Attempt to answer the essential question: Chapter 12.3.
11/5/2015 (day 8)
1.Discuss 12.3
2. Exclusive Primary Source: Martin Luther: Why did Luther challenge the Catholic Church? Stanford’s Read Like a Historian: . What is not done in class finish for homework on 11/5/14
11/8/2015 (day 9)
1.Final Discussion of Martin sources.
2. In class reading of 12.4 Complete Guided Reading wkst 12.4 in class. Finish for homework by 11/8/15
11/9/2015 (day 10)
1. Flashcards due!
2.Discuss 12.4.
3. In class reading of 13.1 and 17.1. Complete Guided Reading wkst 13.1 and 17.1 in class. Finish for homework by 11/9/15
11/10/15 (day 11)
1.Discuss 13.1 and 17.1.
2. Review for test.
11/11/15 (day 12)
1. Unit 4 Study Guide due.
2. Unit 4 test.
3.Begin Unit 5
4. Last day to defend or re-defend Unit 4 defense.