Monday, January 25, 2016

World Studies 2: Unit 1: Africa: Wolf, 2016 Projected Unit Schedule

1/25/16 (day 1)
1. Intro to course, registration of online websites, and survey completed.
2. Receive Unit 1 schedule. Begin Unit 1. Study guide of ORIGINAL WORK is to be done online and submitted to before the Unit test.
1/26/16 (day 2)
1. PPP – Geography of Africa
2. Homework: Complete Reading and wkst for Chapter 2.2 for 1/27/16.

1/27/16 (day 3)
1. Discuss Chapter 2.2 reading and worksheet.
2.WCI: Ancient Egyptian PPP
3. Video: Engineering an Empire: Egypt

1/28/16 (day 4)
1. Video: Engineering an Empire: Egypt
2. Homework:  Read Historical Sources: Egyptian Pyramids: Did slaves build the Great Pyramid at Giza? Stanford Read Like a Historian:

1/29/16(day 5)
1. Discuss historical sources
2.Group work: Write song for Deep in the Tomb of Egypt

2/1/16 (day 6)
1.Sing Deep in the Tomb of Egypt.
2. Prepare for a defense on all things Ancient Egypt. Defense on 2/3/15.

2/2/16 (day 7)
1.Ancient Egypt defense.
2.Work time in class on Chapter 7.1 and Chapter 7.2. Homework:  Worksheets 7.1 and 7.2 due 2/3/16.

2/3/16 (day 8)
1.Discuss Chapter 7.1 and 7.2.
3. Work time on Chapter 7.3 and 21.2. Homework: 7.3 and Chapter 21.2 due 2/4/16.
4. Defense based on Chapter 7 and 21.2 on 2/4/16

2/4/16 (day 9)
1. Defense of Chapter 7 and 21.2.
2. Introduction and begin working on African project. Project due at the start of class on 2/9/16.

2/5/16 (day 10)
1. Work day on African project. Project due at the start of class on 2/9/16.

2/8/16 (day 11)
1.Final in class work day on African project.
2. In class work day on Chapter 25.2 and Chapter 30.1

2/9/16 (day 12)
1. African project due at the start of class.
2. Note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/10/16 (day 13)
1. Note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/11/16 (day 14)
1.Finish note taking based on student’s African presentations.

2/12/16 & 2/15/16 -  No School

1. Review for test

1. Unit 1 study guide due before class time (submit to
2. Unit 1 test.
3. Final day for defending and re-defending by 3pm.

American Studies 3: Unit 1: Foundations of our American Government, U.S. Constitution, & Federalism Projected Schedule SPRING 2016 (Chapters 1-4)

1/25/16(Day 1)
1. Introduction to class, class rules, where to find everything online, Study guides, Defense of assignments, group work, and password info sheet.  
2. Create list with partner on daily impact of government on citizen.
3. Discuss Wisconsin Civics Graduation Exam.

1/26/16 (Day 2)
1.Learning Style and Intelligence Inventory (Computer Lab) and Understand how to use important internet resources such as teacher website, google classroom,, and skyward.  NEED SKYWARD ACCOUNTS FOR 1/27/16.
2. Assigned Reading: Ch1. sec. 1 and 2. Complete Guided reading wkst 1.1 and 1.2 for tomorrow.

1/27/16 (Day 3)
1. Pre-test progress assessment on chomebooks. NEED SKYWARD ACCOUNTS!!!
2. Whole Class Instruction (WCI): Origin of State and Government system, types of government PPP.
3. Have worksheets done for a defense. Defense on 1/28/16.

1/28/16 (Day 4)
1. Defense from 1/27/16 materials.
2. WCI: Types of Government and Economic systems PPP (Guided Reading 1.4)
3. Homework:  Read assigned historical document for Friday, 1/29/16. Answer questions.
1/29/16 (Day 5)
1. Jigsaw activity: Meet with partner and then group of 4 to analyze historical document. Create visual on Google presentation and share with your teacher.

2/1/16 (Day 6)
1. Jigsaw activity: Historical documents leading up to the U.S. Constitution (sharing information day)
2. Assignment options: Defense on the documents leading up to the U.S. Constitution on  2/2/16.

2/2/16  (Day 7)
1. Defense of documents leading up to the U.S. Constitution)
2. WCI: PPP presentation: Constitution Convention, Vir. Nj. Plans, Conn. Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, and Federalist/Anti-Federalist.
3. Assignment options: Defense on Constitution Convention, Vir. Nj. Plans, Conn. Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, and Federalist/Anti-Federalist. Defense on 2/3/16.
4. Homework: Amending the Constitution wkst (Guided Reading Activity 3.1 – Due for defense).

2/3/16  (Day 8)
1. Defense from 2/2/16 material
2. Computer Lab:  Six principles of Constitution PowerPoint activity. Article and summary due 2/9/15. Defense based on six principles also on 2/8/16.
3. Exit cards based on six principles.

2/4/16 (Day 9)
1. Intro to Active Citizen Project.
2. Computer lab to review resources and select active citizen project options. Selection due 2/5/16.
3. Reading assignment: Jigsaw reading on the five articles of the constitution starting on pg. 775 due 2/5/16.

2/5/16  (Day 10)
1. Hand in top 3 options for active citizen project.
2. Review of check and balances and 3 branches

2/8/16  (Day 11)
1. Six Principles Article and Summary due Today by 11:59pm (submit to Defense tomorrow.

2/9/16  (Day 12)
1.Defense of six principles  
2.Jigsaw activity: Five Articles of the U.S. Constitution scavenger hunt (sharing information day)
3. Practice worksheet:  Five Articles Matching wkst.  

2/10/16 (Day 13)
1. WCI: Federalism PPP

2/11/16 (Day 14)
1. WCI: Full Faith, Commerce Power
2. Review for test.

2/12/16 NO SCHOOL
2/15/16 NO SCHOOL

2/16/16 (Day 15)
1. Hand in Unit Study Guide for points.
2. Unit 1 Test
3. Final Day for re-defense of Unit 1 material by 3pm.